Peter Sullivan is a member of the Walden Rotary club in District 7210, which he joined in 2009. He served as President of his club in 2016-17, and has held many other positions there: Community Service chair, Club Secretary and Club Treasurer. He has also played important roles in the club's District Grants, support for the Vassar Haiti Project, and re-starting the club's in-bound Youth Exchange program. Peter also led several members of his club to establish a Satellite Club in Ellenville, NY in June, 2022. He was Assistant District Governor from 2018-19 to 2020-21, serving 6 clubs in central and eastern Orange County, NY.
Peter moved to Walden 14 years ago with his wife Peggy when she became the Priest-in-Charge of St. Andrews Episcopal Church in Walden; and he was later employed as Treasurer of the Village of Walden for five years. Peter is currently retired having served 26 years in state and local government positions, and several years in management consulting and contract project management. Peggy and Peter have two grown sons living in Simsbury, CT and Brooklyn, NY, and two teenage grandchildren. Peter and Peggy now reside in Accord, NY.